Art Business Professional

Gabriella Market, 2019, courtesy of SWAIA.

Virtual Market, Real Artists, Strong Economic Impact

SWAIA & CHF are working together to showcase hundreds of Native American artists as the Santa Fe Indian Market pivots to virtual this year.


SWAIA & the Clark Hulings Foundation Create Virtual Indian Market

Santa Fe Indian Market and the Clark Hulings Foundation for Visual Artists (CHF) are pleased to announce a significant collaboration aimed at providing opportunities for Native artists to showcase and sell artwork amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

CHF 2019 Annual Report Cover

Unleashing an Economic Powerhouse: CHF’s 2019 Annual Report

CHF’s 2019 Annual Report includes a description of our programs, stats from 2019, and direct commentary by artists on how we moved the needle for them.

Cornelia Carey & Carrie Cleveland CERF+

Lockdown: Artists Double Down on Building Robust Businesses and Self-Help Networks

It’s a timely moment to hear from Cornelia Carey and Carrie Cleveland from CERF+, a leading nonprofit focused on safeguarding artists’ livelihoods nationwide.

Changing Seasons by Michael Orwick

An Art World Paradigm Shift—CHF Interviews Dave Geada

Up until now, these technologies have served particular niches or been passed over as curiosities by most us. The pandemic has changed all that.

Helping to Push - Bas-Relief

Remembering Glenna Goodacre

A supporter of CHF, world-class bronze sculptor Glenna Goodacre passed away from natural causes on Monday, April 13th.

Artists in Residence

Artists in Residence

CHF is keeping pace by increasing our curriculum to meet the demand. Recent articles include Director’s View, Storytelling, and the CARES act.

How To Tell A Better Story and Be A Better Storyteller

How To Tell A Better Story and Be A Better Storyteller

We’re all constantly telling stories, and the choice to get better at it is the choice of whether or not you want to be in control of it.

Rudi by Carrie Cook

Welcome The Executive Fellows of 2020

Please join us in supporting these five artists and wishing them well as they continue to implement their strategies to take their creative projects to the next level. Stay tuned for updates throughout the year.

Graduating Class Accelerator

These Artists Graduated Training But are Entrepreneurs for Life

“It was a total mind-shift this year. There is a market for what I want to do, and I am selling. There are buyers for the subject matter that I want to paint.”

Paula Ensign Painting

Remembering Paula Ensign

“Though shocked and saddened by Paula’s passing, one only has to look at her lighthearted and cheerful paintings to feel joy once again.”

Stargazers, by James Moore

An Artist to Watch: 2019 Fellow James Moore

2019 Accelerator Fellow James Moore has had a particularly great year, with new contracts; he was named a finalist for a public art project in Sunnyvale, CA.

Art and Science Work Best Together for Kristin LeVier

Fusing Two Passions is an Art—And a Science

Kristin LeVier exemplifies being a thriving artist by taking two of her passions and using them both to strengthen each other—and she isn’t the only one.

ROWA Report Breakdown and 100,000 downloads

ROWA Report Breakdown and 100,000 downloads

Laying out in carefully-researched detail the part that artists play in today’s economy, CHF data analysis team Daniel DiGriz and Lily Dulberg sat down to talk details on the latest episode of The Thriving ArtistTM podcast.

Lily Dulberg headshot

Data Science in the Arts: Report on the Working Artist—Lily Dulberg

CHF data analysts Lily Dulberg and Daniel DiGriz prove in the Report on the Working Artist that the secret ingredient for artists’ success is entrepreneurial training.

The Visit - Couple and Newcomer

Millennials Aren’t Killing The Art Industry

Whether they are using the app or not, more young people are looking to turn a quick profit from “art flipping.”

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