Monthly free, informal, topical, artist-led group discussions.
First Time Registration
Repeat Lunch Guest
The CHF Brown Bag LunchTM series is a FREE opportunity for artists to hear from other artists on tactics for reaching a wider audience, selling more art, and growing a professional peer network. Bring your questions, and be prepared to contribute your knowledge and experience. Come ready for give and take. Because this is an ongoing series that repeats every third Friday, you don’t have to tackle every issue in one conversation. Bring an artist colleague. This is an excellent chance for creative professionals to dig into improving their business, hone their game, and build a network of peers.
Length: 60min
- Format: A facilitator will throw out an initial topic or ask an initial question, and the conversation will unfold from there. To avoid background noise, you (and other attendees) will enter the ‘room’ on mute, and come off mute when you have something to add or to ask.
- Best Practice: Speak up, so everyone can hear you. Say your name before you speak, so we know who’s talking. Don’t dominate: it’s give and take. Don’t just spectate: your peers need YOUR voice too, so don’t be shy.
- Enjoy: You really can bring lunch! Don’t be worried about eating in front of everyone. We’ll be doing it too! It’s a virtual “meal” for the mind AND the body. Have a snack, meal, beverage, or whatever you prefer. Food helps focus the mind. See you at the Brown Bag!
2023 Dates: 3rd Fridays of the month at 2:00 PM EASTERN
January 20
February 17
March 17
April 21
May 19
June 16
July 21
August 18
September 15
October 20
November 17
December 15