At CHF, we teach visual artists that successful businesses operate transparently, engaging in clear and consistent communication with their customers and other audiences. With “On Our Easel,” a new feature on the news section of our website, we’re practicing what we preach, offering you brief highlights of some of the projects we’ve been working on recently. Check back with this page for regular updates.
Here are a few of the things that have been on our easel this week:
- LEARNING FROM PEERS. Over the last two months, our Thriving Artists Podcast courses have featured several of our current and past Business Accelerator Grant recipients and finalists. Our most recent episode featured 2013 grant winner Lauren Frances Adams, who discussed artist residencies and a range of work-related travel issues. Up next: 2015 recipient Vanessa Diaz, whose just had her first solo show at the ArtsUp! space in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- BUSINESS BOOT CAMP. We’re knee-deep in the development of CHF’s Business Accelerator Workshops, a pilot program designed to provide our grantees with hands-on personalized training and education on a range of business issues. Currently, we’re developing the curriculum and surveying our grantees to see what knowledge they feel would be most useful to them.
- WHO STOLE ALL THE BEAUTY? In her latest column, CHF Director Elizabeth Hulings takes New York Times columnist David Brooks to task for an editorial in which he blames artists for the lack beauty in today’s world.
Our work relies on your financial support, so if you like what you see here, please make a tax-deductible donation to CHF.