Dear Friends: I have spent a lot of time around artists (“tell us something we don’t know,” you’re thinking). I have also spent significant time developing strategic plans of all kinds, …

How an Art Institution Can Help You Develop the Business Plan – CHF Interviews Frank Juliano
Frank Juliano is an exceptional storyteller. As Executive Director of Reeves-Reed Arboretum, his high standards for the garden, exhibited art, and educational programs aim to elevate how visitors experience nature. …

How to Identify Your Life’s Work
Business is hard. No matter what the business is, it’s the business of our life, and it requires focus, determination, and simultaneous attention to tiny detail and big vision. The …

Find the Best Representation for Your Art – Stephanie Birdsall
“I see a lack of confidence standing in people’s way, they don’t trust what they’re thinking, they don’t trust what they’re painting, and as soon as they get a little confident I see a huge change.”

Elizabeth’s Business Breakdown
Here is a deceptively simple tool that I use with many, many clients, from artists to solopreneurs in other industries, to people at large corporations and non-profits. It’s a useful …

Where’s Your Art Been and Where’s It Going?
As I continue to get to know the message and initiatives put forth by CHF, I’m struck by the practicality at the core of the mission. Yes, the Accelerator program …

A Critical Eye to Decorative Art
Art and Decoration The term ‘decorative’ in relation to art has been central to artistic movements throughout history. Over the course of the 19th century, decoration changed from being a positive …

And Now, A Word About Motivations
Herein lies a bit of Shakespeare, a reference to Ayn Rand, some Disney-like wishing trampled by a one-off reference to the Health Care debate, and goose noises. Enjoy. It’s easy …

Let’s Demystify the Pricing of Art
At a recent Sotheby’s auction, an untitled painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat set a record high, going for $110.5 million. A New York Times piece on the sale included information on …

Jodi Bee
I pay attention and am trying to learn more about the business side of things—by knowing my numbers, testing my choices and decisions, and tracking the results.

Business-Development Forum for Professional Visual Artists
Hosted by The Clark Hulings Foundation and Windows to the Divine® (June)