We can have one foot in the world of visceral taste and touch and another foot in the digital world without having to split ourselves in half.

Practical Tactical Entrepreneur: ART-BIZ COURSES
Learn what you can do to grow your business—while cutting waste, saving time, and delivering maximum punch for the effort.

What is #ArtTech?
Find out why CHF’s mission to empower artists is up to speed with the pace of emerging technologies.

NDN World’s Connection to CHF
CHF has a standing connection to NDN World. Learn how CHF can help you digitize and be #futureready today.

How Does Your Artist Website Stack Up?
A website is a sales tool: part sales collateral, part sales fulfillment engine. There’s no one-size-fits-all. It’s specific to your art business.

Proactive Security: Best Practices for Counteracting Phishing
Facing the challenge of online fraud ideally involves increasing awareness of phishing and of best practices for counteracting it.

Showcase Your Art in Virtual Spaces with ArtPlacer
ArtPlacer is a powerful tool that helps artists achieve proper art layouts in a matter of minutes so that they can showcase their pieces at scale and in different scenes.

We’ve Built a Learning Community for Artist-Entrepreneurs
If you’re still going it alone and digging through a mish-mash of help videos and course-selling sites, you can stop that now. Artists now have a place to acquire essential entrepreneurial skills AND connect with other artists.

The Thriving Artist™ Podcast is a Portable Business Education
Strike up the band. Let there be dancing. We just passed 60K, and the cake won’t hold all the candles!

What Independent Publishing Can Teach Visual Artists – Eric Rhoads
“One has to focus on strategy instead of tactic: tactic is the thing you’re going to do, strategy is the plan of how you’ll get respect, get well-known and get people to buy your work.”