Here are some of the things we’ve been working on over the past few weeks:
- THE PIVOTAL ROLE OF THE COLLECTOR. Our latest e-learning podcast featured Tim Newton, CHF board member and director of the Salmagundi Club. Tim offered practical advice to new collectors, and encouraged them to see themselves as stewards of the arts. “Collecting artwork should be about the artwork—not the investment, not the artist.”
- WHAT’S IN A NAME? In her latest column, CHF Director Elizabeth Hulings addresses the labels that are used to categorize various art styles and movements (e.g., “modern,” “traditional,” “contemporary,” etc.), and the ways that these words are often deployed to keep artists in creative ghettos. “When these labels are applied so indiscriminately,” she writes, “they lose their meaning, but the real problem is that over-categorization facilitates the out-of-hand rejection of those pieces and movements one prefers not to consider.”
- TELLING YOUR STORY EFFECTIVELY. Our next Business Accelerator Workshop—on the topic of business communications—takes place on Thursday, July 21st, and will be led by Sofia Perez, veteran journalist and CHF’s editorial director. This month’s session will cover practical advice, such as drafting an effective artist statement, and avoiding the biggest pitfalls when writing a bio, grant application, or blog post.