A prominent alumni of the CHF Art-Business Accelerator program and one of this year’s mentors, Kristin LeVier is living proof that a person can be an artist and a scientist. In her TEDx talk, The Art of Science, Kristin shows how art intertwined with science creates works of beauty. It is only with one foot firmly in both worlds that she is able to imagine and achieve the art that is her life’s work.
Kristin LeVier exemplifies being a thriving artist by taking two of her passions and using them both to strengthen each other—and she isn’t the only one. Many other artists use their skills to enhance both fields in ways that could only be possible with this combined knowledge. LeVier draws her personal inspiration from her molecular biology background, specifically focusing on tentacles, wings, leaves, and nature in motion. The MIT-trained artist links her creative roots to her first time working with a microscope as a young child. This TEDx talk won’t transport you into a science lab, but it will take you on a journey of discovery. Curl up and put your headphones in: it’s time to get inspired.