Building a brand for your business is hard, but maintaining it is even harder. Can you delegate work while maintaining a clear and compelling brand story? CHF Education & Messaging …

Tighten Your Sales Strategy, Then Refuse to Compromise—Donna Lee Nyzio
“When you decide what you want to do, you become more intentional about what you choose to do.”

The #1 Reason Artists Should Visit the DC Area This Month
Mid-March in our nation’s capital can only mean one thing for artist-entrepreneurs: CHF’s metro DC Art-Business Conference! (Okay, sure, there are beautiful cherry blossoms as well, but when was the last …
The #1 Reason Artists Should Visit the DC Area This Month Read More »

Boosting Artists, Our Non-Obsolete Workforce
Whether you work as a city planner or a nurse or a school administrator, environments that feed your spirit help you work smarter, better, and more efficiently.

The Truth and BS About Outsourcing Large Chunks of Your Business
Being real about what we can outsource requires us to acknowledge that there’s no escape from doing the work. You can’t outsource a business; you can only outsource FROM a business.

Lock Down Your Rights to Your Own Art—Emily Danchuk, Esq.
“If you don’t file a copyright application in a timely fashion you pay a very, very significant price. […] Artists really need to copyright their works I would say, immediately.”

CHF Gets South Florida Talking Art Business
These amazing women led a spirited discussion that covered a lot of ground, including how to find public art and grant opportunities; getting involved with south Florida’s local gallery scene; and making art fairs work for you.

Comrades in Art—Accelerator Fellows Stick Together
Again and again, our Fellows cite their relationships with each other as a highlight of the program. Become a member of our Digital Learning Portal and start finding your tribe today.

Making Budgets Exciting—Elaine Grogan Luttrull
Financial management is exciting. Yes, we mean it. At first glance, you may not associate exhilaration with the process of generating a budget, monitoring expenses, tracking invoices, and planning your …

An Inspiring Weekend of Art-Business Learning in Florida
Thank you, Broward County, for co-hosting CHF’s latest Art-Business Conference, and to our event sponsor Wells Fargo. We’re also grateful to the artists who traveled to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for what proved …
An Inspiring Weekend of Art-Business Learning in Florida Read More »

Grow Your Art Business Through Collaboration—Blake Conroy
Artist Blake Conroy captures the complexity and uniqueness of our natural world. In this interview, Blake explains how his art business has been boosted through his collaborations with other artists.

Make the Gig Economy Work for You—Angela Heath
“If you always give more than you ask, then networking is effective.”

Counting Down to Our Florida Art-Business Conference – February 1 & 2
Attention, Florida-area artists: Equip yourself to thrive at our upcoming Art-Business Conference in Fort Lauderdale. Develop tangible business goals, come up with a plan for achieving them, and connect with your …
Counting Down to Our Florida Art-Business Conference – February 1 & 2 Read More »

Calling Artist-Entrepreneurs to Our Nation’s Capital
If you’re a visual artist in the mid-Atlantic US, drive your art career forward at CHF’s metro DC Art-Business Conference, March 23rd -24th at Artists & Makers Studios in Rockville, …
Calling Artist-Entrepreneurs to Our Nation’s Capital Read More »