CHF Executive Fellow Gregg Chadwick‘s new paintings in Surf & Turf at Castelli Art Space are crafted as magic lenses that combine the past, present, and future of Los Angeles. The clear daylight of Los Angeles brought the movie studios out west, and the neon soaked nocturnal light lured writers into the shadows of L.A. As a 17 year old art student at UCLA, Gregg embraced the flickering cinematic light of Hollywood and the poetic light of night and day in the City of Angels. Gregg continuously inspired by the diversity, history, and beauty of greater Los Angeles.
There will be an Artists Walk & Talk on August 11th, from 3-5pm. A Closing Reception will be held on August 17th, from 5-8pm.
Gallery hours are Tuesday – Friday 10am-5pm
RSVP dale@castelliartspace.com