25K Challenge: The Goldstein Fundraiser—Solidarity in Action.

On Oct 24th, 2021 friends of CHF raised an additional 7k and more toward completing the Goldstein Challenge Grant. The event was described by Lynn Trojan as “so beautiful, inspiring, and successful!


The Santa Fe celebration was hosted by Susan & Steven Goldstein, who have pledged to contribute a matching grant of 25k beyond their already generous support. The Goldsteins are two amazing humans who know that art is essential, that without artists, we’d have no art, and that CHF delivers a tangible, wide-reaching impact.

“The food, presentation, and piano recital were something else. Elizabeth Hulings was here in spirit through photos that her mother loaned to us and a Clark Hulings painting that sat beautifully on our fireplace mantle. Art-Business Accelerator Fellow, artist Jonathan Keeton, was a wonderful speaker—he moved the crowd with his description of his experience learning with CHF. Santa Fe Community College’s Sydney Scherr’s message was very worthwhile: advocating for educators participating in CHF programs so that they can better prepare their art students to succeed. CHF Advisory Board members contributed so much: Harry Miller spent most of the day with me doing a variety of chores, Thomas Bustamante picked up a few last-minute things and was here providing support, and Ellen Premack, of course, is an essential part of planning and executing everything. Ela Condon worked hours each day meeting with the catering manager at Market Street. Ela picked up the food that Mary Hulings so kindly made for us, and spent both Saturday and Sunday in the kitchen making everything, and especially food and drink, look like an artistic arrangement. Sali Randel has been a powerhouse on the committee and is a wonderful speaker! Lynn Trojahn described her business and how much she admires and believes in Elizabeth and CHF—and used CHF Board Member Shem Cohen’s “Icebreaker” questions to warm up the audience.” —Susan Goldstein

We are also incredibly grateful for the in-kind donation from Market Street: Manager Jeremy Miller and Concierge Melody Lambelet coordinated the donation of food for the event.


Friends of The Clark Hulings Foundation Gather to Learn, Collaborate, and Donate

A Thriving World is a World of Thriving Artists.

Through this Challenge Grant, CHF will continue to deliver artists the tools they need to succeed in an ever-changing environment. Read our Annual Report here. Click here to see our impact and reach.Goldstein 25k Challenge

Where does your donation go?

  • $10 Maintain this Site’s Resources
  • $20 Broadcast our Message
  • $30 Deliver Training
  • $40+ Provide Services that Grow Local Economies
  • $250 Brown Bag Lunches
  • $750 Thriving Tuesdays
  • $850-$1250 Podcast
  • $3500+ Digital Campus
  • $22,000 – $27,000 Virtual Conferences
  • $35-50K program development and delivery

If you haven’t given yet, please consider a contribution: modest or major—whatever is right for you.

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Ana-Maria Touza Medina
Ana-Maria is an outreach professional with a work history in the e-learning industry. She holds a PhD from the University of Houston, a Masters from St. Louis University, and a Bachelor’s from the University of Texas at Austin. She has consulted with small to medium-sized companies in educational technology, student development, social media marketing, SEO, content creation, and company culture. She is a mom, a yogi, a runner, an avid reader and lover of nature, art, travel, and creating moments while exploring the world with her son.

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