This month, CHF is participating in the 2018 stARTup Art Fair (January 26-28) in Los Angeles. This boutique fair is a venue for artists to setup exhibits individual rooms at Kinney Venice Beach so …

The Philanthropic Investor, Philanthropic ROI, and a New Renaissance
It’s axiomatic that when an investor puts money into a business, they want to get that money back out along with some factor of growth. Warren Buffett defines investment as …
The Philanthropic Investor, Philanthropic ROI, and a New Renaissance Read More »

“Artist as Entrepreneur: Becoming the CEO of Your Life” Panel at stARTup Art Fair
The Clark Hulings Foundation for Visual Artists is bringing their message of artist empowerment to stARTup Art Fair Los Angeles with a panel entitled “Artist as Entrepreneur: Becoming the CEO of Your Life” on January 28, 2018 (January)

Ten Tips for Acing Your Next Grant Proposal
It’s the night before the grant application is due and you’re feeling hopeful and confident. You followed the instructions to the letter. You enlisted a colleague to read and critique …

The Learned Skills of Successful Entrepreneurs – John Furth
“Successful people say ‘Yeah, I failed, but I did learn, and this is how I’ll apply it to the next thing I do.'”

Upcoming Tax Changes for Creatives
Here’s a breakdown of tax changes for those running a creative business, from Minerva Financial Art’s blog. Elaine Luttrull provides a comprehensive summary of the updates you can expect for …

Second Annual Art Business Summit Announced
The Clark Hulings Foundation for Visual Artists and Arts Business Institute announce the Second Annual Art Business Summit in Santa Fe, NM, set for April 6-7, 2018 (December)

Graduating Fellows
18 Fellows are completing a rigorous graduate program for working visual artists–The Business Accelerator Program. This is the second year CHF has offered the program, in which participating Fellows gain …

What Independent Publishing Can Teach Visual Artists – Eric Rhoads
“One has to focus on strategy instead of tactic: tactic is the thing you’re going to do, strategy is the plan of how you’ll get respect, get well-known and get people to buy your work.”

Year-end Fundraiser
Inspired by the success of CHF’s Giving Tuesday campaign, it has launched an end-of-year fundraising campaign. Funds will be used to add substantial capability and content to the Clark Hulings Foundation Learning …

Cook Better Sales Letters And You’ll Bring More People to the Table
You hear this phrase, “the art of the sales letter” and it sounds like there’s a magic formula, or that it can only be done by a guru. And yet, …
Cook Better Sales Letters And You’ll Bring More People to the Table Read More »

Advanced Fellowships Awarded
CHF is thrilled to award advanced fellowships to 13 Fellows for the 2018 Business Accelerator Program. 18 Fellows completed all requirements for the original one-year fellowship, including each honing a …

Year Two of Business-Development Forum for Professional Visual Artists
The Clark Hulings Foundation for Visual Artists (CHF) has chosen thirteen artist fellows for its 2018 Business Accelerator Program (November)