Kristen Brown

Kristen Brown headshot
“Some artists believe turning their practice into a business jeopardizes artistic integrity and autonomy. I think, with strong business practices and confidence in my art, the two go hand-in-hand to support my professional and artistic goals.”

Kristen Brown

2018 Entrepreneur Fellow

The world is full of uncertainty. Kristen creates a visual record of the reality of seemingly intangible experiences. By objectifying and aestheticizing these internal experiences, Kristen stabilizes and organizes the state of uncertainty itself. Originally trained as a realist painter, Kristen creates interactions with fragmented and overlapping images that offer validation of disjointed and ambiguous moments, encouraging viewers to make their own judgments about the truth of their own realities.

Kristen is working on a roadmap for selling and marketing that positions her through juried shows and exhibitions in major metropolitan areas.

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Kristen Brown at work (Photo by John Versical)
Kristen at work (Photo by John Versical)
One Thousand Six Hundred And Seventy One Miles by Kristen Brown
One Thousand Six Hundred And Seventy One Miles by Kristen Brown
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