Expert Columns

Artist About Page Examples

Horrifying Artist About Pages (Just in Time for Halloween)

To wake the artist from the dead of tedious facts that tell us nothing about his or her art, I suggest weaving in a bit of story.

Music as metaphor for fine art: input, output, talent, brand story

Anyone Can Build an Art Business: Raw Talent vs. Hard Work

You’ll tinker with and refine your brand story until you die or get rich, whichever comes first. First, talk about why you’re doing what you’re doing.

What website is right for you and your art business?

How Does Your Artist Website Stack Up?

A website is a sales tool: part sales collateral, part sales fulfillment engine. There’s no one-size-fits-all. It’s specific to your art business.

Best practices for counteracting phishing.

Proactive Security: Best Practices for Counteracting Phishing

Facing the challenge of online fraud ideally involves increasing awareness of phishing and of best practices for counteracting it.

Tidal Wave

Democratizing Art Marketing: The Upcoming Tsunami

Ecommerce is booming, traditional office culture is fading, and marketing is getting personal and real. Artists, this is a sea change we can get behind.

Four Ways to Build Your Art-Business During Uncertain Times

Four Ways to Build Your Art-Business During Uncertain Times

You CAN build a thriving art-business during a pandemic, and it might actually be easier to do so with the increased digital resources at this time.

Instagram Training

Instagram the Artists’ Way—A Measured Approach that’s Actually Fun

If you choose Instagram as one of your handful of marketing channels that powerfully defines your brand as an artist, then choose to do it smart and fun!

Sales Marketing Alignment

Getting Your Art-Business Project to Market—The Viability Shark Tank

Shark Tank is a reality TV show in which ambitious entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to the metaphorical “sharks”—five successful entrepreneurs who advanced their careers exponentially by turning some initial project …

Getting Your Art-Business Project to Market—The Viability Shark Tank Read More »

Spellbound by Jeanette Jarville

Professionalize the Personal: Bridge the Two Sides of Your Art Career

When you decide to become a professional artist, you’re putting a wild and personal realm under economic pressure. How can you manage that?

Transparency is Transforming the Art Market

Transparency is Transforming the Art Market—CHF Interviews Bill Fine

A new openness about prices has changed the way art is bought and sold. The president of artnet details the impacts of this shift.

Rosa Bonheur by Anna Klumpke

Hook—Hack—Health: A Successful Art Business is a Balancing Act

Professional artists must simultaneously articulate a unique message, maintain the health of their art business, and set themselves apart from the pack.

Artist Andie Freeman displays her paintings at a recent gala

Overcome Magical Thinking to Succeed as an Artist

Artists are rarely discovered by accident. Those who get the big breaks have strategically put themselves in the right place. They’ve made their own luck.

Helping Art Collectors and Foundations Buy, Sell, and Manage Their Art

Building and Managing an Art Collection—CHF Interviews Megan Fox Kelly

Art advisor and appraiser Megan Fox Kelly helps collectors and foundations buy and sell art, and manage their existing collections.

Blue Fin XXX by Elinore Schnurr

Sales Conversations: Don’t Fix Everything

We often refuse to let other people sit with something that’s been said and just breathe in it for a few moments. We fix it. Before it’s even broken.

How to Sell More Art

How to Sell More Art? An Unexpected Answer

Art isn’t a job like making widgets, where you’re content to do the same thing over and over again for the rest of your life.

Writers Learn from Visual Artists

What Literary Artists Can Learn from Visual Artists

Visual artists cut a little straighter to the bone. They don’t have to obsess about the small stuff because if they can’t buy something they need, they’ll probably make it.

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