2021 Annual Report

Highlights: At the end of 2021, CHF became The Clark Hulings Foundation, bringing clarity, alignment, and even more passion and determination to our role as educators and community-builders.

  • Highlights: At the end of 2021, CHF became The Clark Hulings Foundation, bringing even more clarity, passion, and determination to our role as educators and community-builders.
  • Pivotal Project Accelerates: We’ve continued working with glass artist Terri Albanese as A Garden of Gratitude has grown into a 6-stop traveling exhibit to honor healthcare workers.
  • Isolation to Inclusion: FREE virtual programs supported artists through another pandemic year. Peer networking Brown Bag Lunches; skill-building Thriving Tuesdays™; and Evenings With Hulings Virtual Salons.
  • 360 Degrees of Curriculum: 139 art-business courses in our Virtual Campus; intensive training in Email Mastermind & Practical Tactical Entrepreneur Series; Artist Momentum groups; and 1-1 Mentorship.
  • Interns, Alumni & Virtual Homecoming: Interns from Clark Hulings’ alma mater, Haverford College, became part of the CHF family; Fellow and Advisory Board Member, Kristin LeVier, initiated Art-Business Accelerator alumni gatherings
  • CHF Gets Noticed: American Fine Art Magazine, Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Authority Magazine, Cowboys & Indians, Ignite Visibility, Prowly Magazine, Startup.Info, Western Art & Architecture, and Western Art Collector. 2 awards for The Thriving Artist™ podcast.
  • Up to the Challenge: Susan & Steven Goldstein’s $25k Matching Challenge surpassed its goal; CHF’s NM Committee & Lynn Trojahn developed CHF Home Events in a Box, raising $10k and establishing a formula for fundraising success; The Stephen D. Zimmerman Memorial Fund honors an irreplaceable CHF founding board member.

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