Nadia Fairlamb

Nadia Fairlamb headshot
"Another way of saying 'Aloha': If we don't work together, we're sunk. My entry point is working with what's in front of us–whatever is authentic to a specific place."

Nadia Fairlamb

2018 Executive Fellow

Nadia Fairlamb drives home the necessity of living in harmony with our environment and each other by filling specific environments with art that’s authentic to those places and their people. A prosperous future requires cooperation and efficient use of resources, and that begins with respect for who and what is in front of us—our individual communities, local resources, revered places, cultural contexts—ourselves and each other. Nadia’s work embodies “Aloha,” her work immerses us in it, and demonstrates how to practice it ourselves in our own communities and lives.

  • Supporters Interested In:

    Local, Sustainable, Hospitality, Commercial Space, Education, Hawaii

Nadia Fairlamb with sander
With the Sander
Wave Mandala #2 by Nadia Fairlamb
Wave Mandala #2
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