Accelerator Fellow (2017)
“I will use my experience learning art as an analogy to learning business. I’ll put the 10,000 hours in. I won’t expect it to come all at once. I’ll study the historical precedent. I will undergo a thorough training to understand the tradition and abstract foundations of business. Most artists probably shy away from business because they feel like it slows down their production. My goal is to use business to maximize my production and maximize the effectiveness of what I produce.”
“I am particularly interested in the Business Accelerator Program because it seems deeply encompassing. I don’t want to piece my business understanding together from a bunch of different resources. I want to have a sense of continuity in my business strategy from here on out. My business has grown to the point where now I need to spend more time managing. I want to have a complete understanding of what I need help doing.”
Charlie Mostow is a classically trained sculptor who engages in drawing, relief sculpture, portrait sculpture, anatomy study, and figure sculpting in the round. He creates pieces based on his observation of the forms around him, and often references nature in his work.
(Based in Long Island City, NY;