No matter how you slice the numbers, CHF’s impact has grown exponentially, helping artists boost their businesses.
- Art-Business Accelerator: By the end of 2018, ALL of the artists in our Art-Business Accelerator were clear about their career objectives; 75% increased their total income from making and selling art; and 85% now consider their art business their primary income source.
- Boots-on-the-Ground Events: We delivered face-to-face events in four different time zones, offering our business-development workshops to artists in Santa Fe and Dallas, and teaming up with partners in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami.
- Digital Campus: In one year, we’ve doubled our online audience AND the total number of registered members in our Thriving Art Exchange.
- The Thriving ArtistTM: Our syndicated podcast became available on six times more platforms than in 2017, and the number of downloads grew by nearly 90%.