Board of Directors
Not your typical “right-brained” creative director and designer, Paula Mele has built her career on the belief that good advertising is only good if it sells. With over three decades of experience in all facets of design, branding, marketing, and advertising on both sides of the corporate table, Paula understands the challenges her clients face. Whether working on nonprofit development campaigns or corporate sales drives, Paula has created visual solutions with a solid focus on results and the bottom line. Paula has been with CHF since its inception, setting the brand standards, both in print and online.
Paula has directed in-house creative teams for three entrepreneurial companies. She has built campaigns and managed design and marketing for large established corporations, start-up companies, and nonprofit organizations, spanning a vast array of industries from healthcare to landscape architecture to financial services. She launched her award-winning virtual agency http://www.paulameledesign.com/ in 2001 and is a principal in the business-strategy consulting firm Counterpoise.
Paula is a University of Texas at Austin graduate with a B.F.A. in Studio Art. pmmele@swbell.net.