Be an Artist for CHF

Any artist, be it a visual artists, performance artist, musician, author, or poet, can support CHF's mission of a thriving cultural economy by throwing a live (or not live) virtual or in-person benefit. It's easy and fun.

Artists are often asked to give away their art for "free", but the results rarely benefit working artists long-term. When artists make art to benefit CHF, we pump that BACK into the cultural economy by making working artists the FOCUS of our efforts. We're stronger in a bundle. Do you want MORE training and community created around working artists as the CENTER of their industry? Become an artist for CHF.

For Visual Artists

Gallery Night

Gallerists and gallery artists can dedicate a portion of admission and/or sales to CHF, or hold an auction—earmarking certain pieces so that all or a portion of the proceeds benefit CHF's mission.

Launch a Benefit Show

Donate a portion of show proceeds (from sales and/or ticket purchases) or from your tip jar to CHF, and CHF will help you promote the event.

Ebay for CHF

You can sell art and prints on ebay, where thousands of artists like Vladimir Pronkin already do. You can put support for CHF as a differentiator directly into the product description and/or title—e.g. "Supports Working Artists" and remit all or part of the proceeds to CHF, or have Ebay do it by selecting CHF as a benefiary of your sales.

Etsy Sale

Earmark a percentage of your sale for CHF and let buyers know in your item description that a purchase supports the cause of working artists. The craft community is especially in-tune with social and philanthropic endeavors, so you'll fit right in and statistically, you sell more art.

Other Artists Can Get Involved Too

Performing artists can perform online via StageIt—the online platform that allows performers to create live-streaming events and charge viewers to join, and in turn donate proceeds to CHF. Viewers and artists can interact in an exciting and intimate way, and you can broadcast from your home or studio.

Musicians can sell music on the web via Bandcamp, ReverbNation, or CD Baby and donate a portion of profits or proceeds to go to CHF. It's easy to get started, and you'll be in good company with countless other recording artists.

Authors can utilize AmazonSmile: Ask potential readers (via your blog or Instagram account) to buy your books and ebooks at, selecting "The Clark Hulings Foundation" to receive a donation of 0.5% of their eligible purchases to CHF. Prices are the same, and your profits are the same. The only difference is you're supporting CHF.

Artists drive the cultural economy.

Better for All of Us

Artists are the lever that moves the cultural economy. When artists apply a portion of their efforts to empowering working artists, they create a context that is more conducive for ALL artists, a culture that is more respectful and welcoming of art, and an influx of interest in the arts that isn't dependent on the tides of momentary politics or other external forces.

Learn about other ways to fundraise.

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